
This is a crazy world.

From no job, to contract job, to self-job, to new job… the whole experience has been an adventure.

Have you seen the commercials where they all end with “Today’s the Day?” Well, I searched for MONTHS looking for jobs. I went on dozens of interviews, received some offers and then I got a call from a recruiter saying that she’d found my resume on Monster.

I got the job. I took the job. I started the job. So now, I guess I can say that is why I have a job. Wow.

And just when I think things are going to settle down, I get ANOTHER job call. Another recruiter found my resume on How weird is that? So I turn down this second job because I already now HAVE a job. When it rains, it pours.

But I guess I shouldn’t even PARTIALLY complain, because I’m now employed and things are starting to all come together. But I really wish it would’ve happened just a bit faster. 🙂

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